About Me!

Who am I?

I'm Neo, but you can also call me Echo. I do indie game development, art, and very occasionally game. I'm getting a bit better with HTML/CSS, though I have been through a couple learning curves (and I am definitely not done learning yet.) I program in C++, Python, GDScript, and VERY LITTLE of Javascript. (No this page doesn't use any custom emoticon.)

custom emoticonStuff I Likecustom emoticon

  • Cats and bugs and other cool creatures.
  • Classical music like Vivaldi, Faure, and Tchaikovsky custom emoticon.
  • But also Jungle/DNB like Aphex Twin.
  • I love to be active and go on hikes/walks in forests custom emoticon.
  • Swimming is also cool too..
  • Making illustrations, usually like anime illustrations and rendering them more realistic custom emoticon.
  • I LOVE the Frutiger Aero and early 2000's aesthetic internet, it has so much soul.