Just a short one.

Jan 2, 2025.

Okay, starting off the year interesting.

I don't really feel comfortable saying what is really putting me under stress, but I'll get over it in time. Okay, well it's that I'm going out with somebody I have been wanting to get to know. I just don't want to make things awkward or weird if things don't go well. I don't normally want to talk with people at work but I was just thinking maybe there was potential. The thing is I want to just be friends at first, I don't want to jump to conclusions because it would just cause issues and I know I wouldn't feel happy doing that.

The people I talk to seem to just tell me not to worry, to just enjoy life and be less serious about things. I think they are right now I think about it, it staves my headache a little more.

I don't really think I've felt close to someone, mutually. I have never felt the feeling of being in love with a girl. I really would only feel it if she loves me back because I just don't really like myself I think. I just overthink things. I think what I need to do is stop, think about what I need to do, and just do it. (I side tracked again.)



Thinking about:

My hobbies.