Another year to be better.

Jan 1, 2025.

I updated the site a bit more, finally! To suit the season, I gave the site a new border and a new color palette. I'm calling this one "Ice King". I feel much better now that I actually updated the site, like I am doing the right thing.

So here, I'll put some of my resolutions for the year:

This didn't cover everything, but I don't need to :P. It feels weird that I'm in 2025 now, and I get to make a new division to the blog. It'll be filled with the upcoming months of blogs.

So I plan on adding more updated sections to the website and try to cover up some of the legacy parts (specifically the "About Me" page, lol.) I feel like adding stuff like featured images or just random tidbits about me helps. I also got inspired by a blogpost to add my feelings for each entry, so starting from this post I'll add it.

If you really are reading this, out there, then thank you for being interested. I'm still trying to figure things out but I hope this blog will be almost like a little checkpoint for me every once in a while. I hope your doing okay out there.


Weird, almost wanting to feel anxious but trying to not think about things. I feel somewhat calm and I'm trying to breath slowly.

Thinking about:

A show I was watching, updating my site, work.