Infinite troubleshooting with my mp3 player.

December 27, 2024.

I hope you all had a good christmas. New years is 4 days away, and it feels so weird to finally write off this year.

Man, I have been spending too much time trying to troubleshoot my mp3 player. For some reason, it won't mount correctly and it causes me to not be able to upload my mp3s to it. I'll probably have to crack open my laptop and just upload the music from there. I just wished I could do it from my desktop because it's so much easier. Besides that, I have a bunch of my favorite songs saved, like around 27 currently, but more will be added soon. I never realized how niche this is nowdays, because people just listen to music via a website or online (ahem, not a good habit.) Feels good to have this huge catalog of music and media that I can watch without depending on internet, it really helps with my focus as well as I don't need to shuffle through so much music on YouTube (and potentially get distracted in turn.)

My family is being so weird about me taking breaks from work. I like my job but I also want time to enjoy my break, and I have classes coming up again (I hate the damn thought of it.) I literally am only in this college because it's got no tuition for me, and because of societal pressure to have a degree. I am sick and tired of America's fascination with commercializing people's futures and education. Degrees don't get you anything except debt nowdays, because you aren't even guaranteed a job anymore. Older people already experienced the joy of college with low tuition and a guaranteed job, this generation doesn't have that. Housing costs more, jobs don't pay enough, taxes are crazy stupid, and food costs more than it should.

Besides these issues, you should always know that there are bright sides to life. Try enjoying the outdoors or try reading a book you've always wanted to get around to.